Arise News in Nigeria

Roughly 2/3 of the Nigerian population is unemployed. With many college graduates searching for work even decades after graduation The Leader Team is dedicated to building communities by empowering leaders and creating jobs.

Leadership is the key to well-being in a community. And well-being is directly connected to good leadership.

This is true in every country. When leaders are developed they care about those they lead.

Whether we are leading in business, government, nonprofit or social enterprise we have the ability to create a long-term social impact. Corporate Social Responsibility is about looking to empower to all stakeholders internal and external.

Often we over emphasize social impact as what we can do externally in the community and environment. However, it is more than that. It is also our internal stakeholders.

When looking at the top companies to work for in the United States, we notice that engaged employees are the key to making a great work environment. And, the key to engaged employees is great leaders.

If you are reading this, we can assume you are a great leader. You are someone that is committed to growing, self-reflection and creating effective and empowered teams.

Creating a healthy organizational culture isn’t always intuitive. And, when you have been working within a specific environment for a period of time sometimes you need some outside perspective to inform your next move.

If you are ready to take your team to the next level but not exactly sure the next step, we would love to welcome you to discover The Karshima Strategy. A process where we walk alongside great leaders to discover where the gaps are and what strategies we can take moving forward.

If you know where your team is at and exactly what type of training, coaching, or advising you are looking for, head over to Our Services page where we break down different À La Carte options for your team.

Are you ready to chat? Contact us today to take the next step forward!